Our worship ministries team includes Acolytes, the Altar Guild, Greeters and Ushers, Lay Eucharist Ministers and Visitors, Lectors, Musicians, Ushers, and Vergers. 


Acolytes participate in the procession in and out of the church by carrying torches to light the altar candles, and assist at the altar for weekly Sunday morning services.  They also serve at special services such as weddings, funerals, and ordinations.  Youth in grades 5 – 12 are encouraged to serve as an Acolyte in addition to adults.  

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is one of the unseen ministries, quiet but important.  The primary purpose of the Altar Guild is to prepare the altar for Sunday morning by assisting the Rector in preparing for the worship.  

Altar Guild work is a sacred duty and members should strive to make their service an acceptable offering to our Lord. All men and women who have been confirmed in the Episcopal Church are eligible to be a member.

As an Altar Guild member you will be assigned to one of four teams, and provided instruction in procedures and terminology in addition to learning the church seasons and colors, vestments, linens, and sacred vessels, and parish procedures in preparing the church for worship.

Eucharistic Ministers

The Eucharistic Ministers are lay persons who administer the bread and wine at worship services.  Eucharistic ministers are scheduled on a rotating basis and must be confirmed members of the Episcopal Church, approved by the Rector and licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese.  Attendance at a training session is required before beginning the ministry.

Eucharistic Visitors

The Eucharistic Visitors are lay persons who take the bread and wine to those unable to attend a worship service.  Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop to deliver the Eucharist to those in the hospital, nursing home or home-bound.  The only requirements for this ministry are the enjoyment of meeting and visiting people and some training provided at St. Paul's. 

Flower Ministry

What happens to the flowers after the Sunday service?  Traditionally, the flower arrangements are taken to shut-ins, the infirmed and those who just need a brightening in their day.  St. Paul's needs help in taking these beautiful floral gifts to others to enjoy.

The beauty of God’s creation is a wonder to behold. The beauty of a flower reflects the glory of God.


Join the friendliest ministry at the church.  The skills you need to be a greeter are a sincere smile, a warm handshake, and a little church geography.  The hours are easy – you’ll be there anyway – and the work couldn’t be more fun.  Couples, singles or entire families can be greeters: all are welcome.  We greet at the front door before and after the morning services.


Lectors are members of the congregation who read aloud the Old and New Testament Lessons, the Psalm and the Prayers of the People.  

Interested persons need advanced reading skills, a strong voice, and a public speaking presence.


The ushers greet and welcome the congregation and assist with their seating.  They distribute the worship bulletins.  Ushers arrive early to make sure the church is neat.  During the service they collect the offerings, which along with the bread and wine are presented to the celebrant.  Ushers are available to assist the congregation with any situational problems which might arise.  After each service, they tidy the pews for the next service. Ushers serve on a rotating basis.


Historically verging and verger's date back over 700 years.  At St. Paul's  on Feast or Festival days our verger proceeds the Acolytes, LEM's and Priest in and out of the church. 

The verger must be knowledgeable about the liturgy and familiar with church operations because he or she helps in the planning and preparation for the various services and liturgies.  Before the service, he or she makes sure that everything is in place and ready for the service to begin.  In this way, the celebrant can look to one person and ask “are we ready to go?”  During the service the verger helps to assure that the service flows smoothly, guides the acolytes and lay Eucharistic ministers and carries out any requests of the clergy.