INTERNAL Ministries:

These are ministries contributing to worship and life at St. Paul's.


Altar Guild

The primary purpose of the Altar Guild is to prepare the altar for Sunday morning by assisting the Rector in preparing for worship. All men and women who have been confirmed in the Episcopal Church are eligible for membership.

Altar Guild members are assigned to a team and instructed in procedures and terminology, the church seasons and colors, vestments, linens, sacred vessels, and parish procedures in preparing the church for worship.

To participate, or for more information, please contact the church office at at 903-455-5030 or  .


Altar Service (Lector, LEM (Lay Eucharistic Minister), & Acolyte)

Members of the congregation are encouraged to take an active role in the worship at St. Paul's by reading the Old and New Testament Lessons, the Psalm, and the Prayers of the People; carrying the candles in the procession; assisting at the altar; and coordinating the service as lectors, acolytes, and eucharistic ministers. 

To participate, or for more information, please contact the church office at 903-455-5030 or  .


Bible Study (7:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights)

We meet in Clardy Parish Hall for pizza, followed by 30-45 minutes of Bible Study. Led by David and Lisa Gish, well known public educators from Greenville, this group is relaxed and friendly. Study focuses on specific chapters of Scripture in its entirety. Ongoing since 2001. Check events calendar for dates and times. 

To participate, or for more information, please contact David Gish at   


Daughters of the King (Prayer service)

The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for women of the Episcopal Church and churches in communion with it, with a focus on prayer and service. St. Paul’s Chapter currently has 17 members and meets the third Saturday of each month in the Parish Hall at 9:00 AM. Visitors are welcome.

A sign-up sheet for the monthly DOK prayer list is in the church entry (narthex) every Sunday. To participate, or for more information, please contact Suzanne Taylor at  


choir and musicians

To participate, or for more information, please contact David Gish at   



We are Episcopal Church Women of all ages, ethnic origins, and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold various views. However, the common denominator of our members is the love of God and the wish to do His work. We are focused on creating a strong family within the parish of St. Paul’s and serving the community of Greenville, the Diocese of Dallas, and the world as we are called to do as Christians. 

media ministry

The Media Ministry produces and broadcasts the 10:30 am Sunday service weekly.  We are always looking for those interested in media to join our ministry.  We will be happy to teach those interested in audio and video.



The church nursery, located in Clardy Hall, is open for infants and children  during the 10:30 Service. 10 am - 12 pm.

For more information, please contact Laura Funk at 575-405-0022.


Pastoral Care

Home Eucharist If you would like communion and have been unable to attend church, or if you would like someone to pray with you before surgery, please contact the church office at 903-455-5030 or .  


Prayer Ministry

Church Bulletin Prayer List & Sunday Morning Prayers - To receive prayer for yourself or someone else during the Sunday morning service, please contact the church office at 903-455-5030 or   or sign the sheet on the podium in the narthex. Names remain in the prayer list in the bulletin for one month unless otherwise notified or renewed.


St. Joseph's Guild (Men's Fellowship and Church Maintenance)

St. Joseph’s Guild is a group for men that meets once a month for spiritual and social growth as well as performing some maintenance tasks around the church. St. Joseph’s Guild is open to all the men of the parish and their friends.  The Guild meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:00AM for breakfast followed by a reading of the Gospel and a discussion of its lesson and meaning.  The group adjourns after the Gospel discussion to accomplish repairs and/or improvements to the church facilities/grounds as identified by the Jr. Warden.  Women who wish to have breakfast, discuss the Gospel, and get their hands dirty working around the church are most welcome.

To participate, please contact Frank McKee at 903-454-4618


St. Paul's episcopal School

St. Paul's Episcopal School is a valuable community asset that has helped prepare a whole generation of children to be responsible and contributing leaders in their communities. We educate students from 6 weeks to 5 years old.  We accept school age students for our extended care program during the Fall and Spring, and during the summer months for our Summer Camp Program.

We provide a Montessori-based curriculum along with the integration of creative art, dramatic play, and language. We also offer French, as well as Chapel once a week. 

For more information, please visit, or call 903-455-8775.